Monday, November 10, 2014

Intercambios (exchanges) With A Latin That Doesn't Speak English

Monday, November 10, 2014

Hola Hola!
So we found out that it's Elder Nelson (of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)  that is coming to speak to us on Thursday!! It should be pretty awesome! Except he speaks Spanish so we`ll see how much I`ll be able to understand haha.
Flip, I forgot to write down who wrote me letters. I promise I`ll do it next week. I won't get mail again until this Thursday when Elder Nelson comes or not until the 20th when we have interviews with President Thurgood again. Also before I forget can you guys send me some pictures!! I seriously have no photos of the family with me haha.  (Friends and family, feel free to send him pictures.)
Elder Killian is the District Leader so we do exchanges like every week which is pretty cool because it makes the week go by faster and I get to know more missionaries. Elder Ramos is still in the District but he is training. His hijo (the brand new missionary that he is training) is Elder Pavon who is 26 and is from Paraguay and he`s a stud. I would seriously believe it if someone told me that he had been out for18 months. I wouldn't be surprised if he`s AP (Assistant to the President) one day. I did intercambios (exchanges) with him this week and it's the first time I've been with a Latin that doesn't speak English haha, so I was worried at first at how it would go but it ended up being really good. So apparently President Thurgood met with a Seventy and they`re making one last push for the plan piloto before it finishes in December, I think. So we are now only reporting confirmations and MACAs (which are less actives with an assignment).
We are going to try to teach Blaz the law of chastity and the importance of marriage.   We will see if he can make some changes in his life because he is awesome.  We also found out that this whole time Manuel and Claudia have been working on the papers for Manuel's citizenship because he`s from Paraguay and it' s easier if he has citizenship to get married.  They should have that within 10-15 days and then after that it`ll be a month or so for the marriage papers or something like that so still a month and a half, more or less, until they get baptized.  We`re going to  talk to Nelida this week and see if she's really interested in being taught.  Arminda is still doing awesome. Saturday we helped put in a cement floor for her new house and Sunday she was confirmed! Oh we have a new fecha! I don't know if you remember Ruben! He is the guy that showed up to church on my first Sunday? So, we finally met with him this week and he`s a stud and we set a baptismal date for December 6th but we might try to move it up to November 29th. Either way, we`re really excited for him.  He came to church yesterday and we have another appointment on Friday with him. Also, we stopped by a less active family.  Well they`re only inactive because they have to work on Sundays but they said their son and niece want to be baptized and they`re 9 and 11 so they`re technically  investigators.  We are going to teach them and hopefully they will get baptized this transfer! Every time we go over to the Esquivel family's home, they reschedule appoitnments and they haven't come to church so they may not be interested. 
These next two weeks are going to be busy though. Intercambios with the Zone Leaders and Elder Nelson speaking to us this week.  Then the week after, we have interviews with President Thurgood and our ward is going to the temple so I think we are going to bring some investigators! A lot to look forward to. This transfer is already halfway through and I have a feeling the next three weeks are going to go by fast.
I miss you and love you guys!

Elder McFarland

Additional short emails answering some of our questions.

So today we had our district activity and just went to this shopping center thing that's in a Walmart in Avellaneda and had Subway and played some pool. I think next week is our zone activity and we`re going to go bowling at the same place. I dont sleep bad but not great. Should I be worried if I don't remember the last time I slept through the night? lol.

I shined my shoes for the first time since I got here last night haha. They were bad.

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